work with me

Dearest writers, artists, filmmakers and performers... MY PEOPLE.

We both know you're talented. But often with great talent comes great... frustration.

You see more. You feel more. You sense a lifetime in a moment and an idea around every corner. You have great taste.

But you're also human and have to manage the call of your wild imagination with wearing pants in public. It's not always easy to walk between worlds and it's not always easy to mediate between a right and left brain often threatening divorce.  

But you have to. Because somewhere, someone doesn't just want what you have to create. They NEED it. It's the difference for them.

The same way someone else's work made the difference for you.


I daydream and wonder about that song you didn't write, movie you didn't make, gig you never booked and story you didn't tell. The spark of a brilliant idea that never caught fire. I want to jump straight into the 'why?!' of it with you, so we can pool our genius to create a different fate.

I want to know what you're sacrificing just to express. Or not expressing to keep your family from thinking you're weird.

I want to know what makes time stop for you. And what you never have time for.

Whether you’re trying to crush a ceiling, climb a mountain or simply kick a figurative pebble from your shoe - I don't want it to stop you any longer from getting where you need to go.

So the world doesn't miss out on you.

And MOST importantly

So you don't miss out on that oh-so-amazing feeling of seeing your own gifts come to life in the world...


one to one


I created Muse Lab so that you'd have a space and a person that sees you as an individual with a unique background, mind, heart and soul. Who also has a unique way of thinking, dreaming and working. It's not about forcing a one-size-fits-all method. It's about understanding your own nature, values, style and talents and discovering how to create more in alignment with them.  

 Whether you’re facing a challenge or block, focusing on a specific project or simply want to deepen and enhance your creative process - I am here to support you with intuition and humor!  I am available in person in Los Angeles and via phone anywhere in the world.



Shannon, I'm an email-first kind of person, and I'd like to reach out to you there.



Have an existing troupe, cast, organization or company you'd like to support? Keeping your group inspired, on the same page and doing their absolute best work is essential. Having a third party facilitator can open up a safe and supportive space to identify what's not working and address it, or think outside the box to push your vision to the next level. It can also simply serve as a fun way to bond and encourage teamwork and creativity. 

Let's chat about the possibilities! 



I would prefer to drop you a note first here.